Taking care of study needs of kids at a very elemental level. Truechip Foundation participates in providing free education to poor children, to give them the benefit of knowledge.
Healthy food and safe water is very important for right child growth and good health. In developing countries malnutrition is a big issue for growing children.
Safe drinking water is a way to eliminate water borne diseases very prevalent amongst the poor. Truechip Foundation foundation is taking part in facilitating pure water supply to door to door to enable better health amongst the poor.
Providing free food, daily ration to the street dwellers is one of the prime service adopted by Truechip Foundation. It is known many street dwellers cannot even afford food for a day. It is here Truechip Foundation chips in to help these less privileged mass to live to stable social life. Distribution of daily ration ensures these people have enough food to fill them. It’s a step towards a healthy India.
Essential medicines are not available to many patients, they step out of treatment owing to their difficult finances. Free medicines, free hospitalization help is provided by the Truechip Foundation to help such people.Free medical help to these people , getting them to right doctor and right hospitalization in case of necessary conditions is enabled by the foundation.
Delhi is famous for its difficult winters. To help the street dwellers tide over the harsh winters distribution of old blankets and clothes is taken up. Increasing death rates in winter is known to all. Therefore Truechip Foundation contributes old clothes and Blankets to keep warm such people.